Selected work Fall 2012. Size: 30x40 inches. For the final poster, students were asked to use any of the visualization types learned so far: tree map, scatterplot, bar chart, pie chart, line graph, parallel coordinates, maps with geodata, etc. They could also combine and overlap the graphs as needed.
PDF files of the posters shown below can be downloaded here.
James Bond, by Stella Cunanan
Mexican Drug War, by Christina Davidson
Audio Formats and the iPod, by Judy Chu
Obamacare, by Pichamon Chamroenrak
James Bond, by Luke Marsden
Assassinations, by Madeleine Lucero-Simmons
Packaging Waste, by Julia Grosman
Minor and Major Scales, by Laszlo Sztana
NBA All-Star, by Hernry Ngo
Wind Energy, by Li Fang Zhang
Bike Share, by Kenji Wada

Fishing (1 of 2), by Sam Luu
Fishing (2 of 2), by Ryan Griego
Dream Teams Olympics, by Dana Lui
League of Legends, by David Li
Pokemon, by Justin Pangilinan
America's Cup (2012), by Luis Pasqual